category Free Inquiry

This is the category to apply to your Free Inquiry posts.

Inquiry Summary

Throughout this course, I have been investigating much of what an iPhone camera is capable of doing and other supports in developing these photos. As a recap, I began brainstorming and started my first endeavor by looking into how to… Continue Reading →

Making a Carousel Post

This week I looked into how to make a carousel post. It is something that I have seen for a while on social media but have never tried or knew how to do it. And, while I am not a… Continue Reading →

Shutter Speed

We had our first snow and made me really want to capture the beauty that is a snowfall. My goal was to capture the snow falling from the sky. The problem was finding a way that I could do that… Continue Reading →

Close Up Photography

There are many things to consider when trying out close up photography. Some include Tips Find your light Focus is the key Keep steady Don’t get too close Be simple Composition Try different angles Other ideas to include: What is… Continue Reading →

Staging a Photo

This week I focused on how to stage a photo. One blog that I found really informative was by Megan Shaimes. Some of the key points that I found helpful from her post with photo staging are: Demonstrate where the… Continue Reading →


This week, I decided to look at how to take better portrait pictures on my iPhone. The Apple support website was quite useful to discovering what features are available on my phone ( First of all, I selected portrait mode… Continue Reading →

Night Photography

This week I tried to focus on bettering my night photography. I found that there were lots of great resources out there where you can learn new skills and aids. I love pictures that are done at night and we… Continue Reading →

Photographing a Landscape

This week I looked into finding some tips when photographing a landscape. I looked at some websites and videos to try and find a starting point to make some simple adjustments for making a photo better. Some of the points… Continue Reading →

My Ideas: Where I’m Beginning

I chose to do my free inquiry project about photography. Because I am a student, I don’t have access to all the fancy tools, I will be trying to specifically learn with what I have now. This means learning about… Continue Reading →

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