In the TED Talk by Jesse Miller, there are two big ideas that were brought up. He says, “[We] haven’t prepared our students for the biggest online threat they may face: their own actions.” With technology being easily accessible and a constant presence in kids’ lives, we need to teach them how to manage it and how to make informed and responsible decisions. By delivering lessons at a young age about the dangers and reasons why one needs to be careful and cautious on the internet, children will be more understanding and aware of what is really going on in the digital world. The part regarding WHY is super important to me. As I have noticed in my life, children want the why in doing something or not. It helps them to understand why or why not those actions are permitted. They will better understand the consequences of their actions.

He continues by saying, “if we focus only on developing digital citizenship, we will surely fail to develop digital leaders.” I think this is to say that we should not shy away or scare others from having an online presence, but educate them on the drawbacks and things to be aware of as well as how to use technology responsibly and the possibilities for growth.

All of this being said, I will be more aware of educating students on the safety and consequences of an online presence, as well as introducing many new skills and capabilities that technology holds.